Friday, February 6, 2009

Taken (2009)

My Rating: 75/100

So, I'm sitting in the theater, expecting  a high-octane, rumbling action movie, but instead I'm greeted with a fluffy, drawn out, miserable begining.  It almost seemed like the film makers were trying to make this a heartfelt, emotionally moving, valuable story.  I was thinking to myself, "Common now!  No one came here to see this crap."  However, once the action started, it didn't let up.

The actions scenes were kick-ass awesome.  Do you ever get so pissed off at someone that you imagine you socking it to them a good one, or that you had a gun in your belt, not to shoot them, just to scare the #$%& out of them?  Me neither.  But it's that feeling of sweet revenge that encompasses the whole movie and keeps you on a violence-high throughout.  A little more tension would have added some complexite to the story, but it's always fun to see the good guy be so good at sticking it to the bad guy.

The ending would have been great had the film makers ended it once the action was over.  But like the begining, we have even more emotional fluff, which would have been okay, except it wasn't even good fluff.  Absolutely a waste of film.  

Liam Neeson is in the movie, it must have a great story, right?  Not so.  But if it's an action film you're looking for, Taken is a pretty good choice.  

Movie-o-meter:  Watch it once. (Maybe come a little late so you miss the first 15 minutes.)